English dictionary definition of curious. He was curious to know how she had come by so many of the rare objects. In so doing, it carries on the legacy of its Latin source, the adjective curiosus, meaning careful or inquisitive. Curious definition is.

Meaning , pronunciation, translations and. A lot of us are curious to know exactly what the navy has been told to do. A bi- curious person is sexually interested in both men and women but may not be completely bisexual. Synonyms for curious at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for curious.
An example of curious is a child snooping through the attic to find out what his. Mandy was curious to know what happened. Definition of curious in the Definitions. What does curious mean?
Information and translations of curious in the most comprehensive. No, not those kittens. Bi- curious definition, curious about or open to exploring sexual relations with people of a different gender than those to whom one is usually attracted: a bi- curious. Not everyone loves the term bi- curious , and some teens refer to themselves as questioning to describe what others might call bi- curious.
This is normal, as many teens experience periods where they question their sexual orientation or have a curiosity about a same-sex sexual experience. Periergos, working round about, is used of the curious arts of some in Ephesus who brought their books to be burned (Acts 19:the American Standard Revised Version magical). Bi- curious is a description sometimes applied to a person of a heterosexual or homosexual sexual orientation who has some curiosity or openness about having sexual activity with a person of the sex they do not favor.

Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo (sacar fuerzas de flaqueza, acusar recibo). Bi-curious is a description sometimes applied to a person of a heterosexual or homosexual sexual orientation who has some curiosity or openness about having sexual activity with a person of the sex they do not favor. I am curious about what he thinks. I have heard both forms uttered so much that there seems in fact a subtle difference in meaning between the two, but I may be imagining things.
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